Saturday, April 13, 2013

Decisions, Decisions

So Now that we are through the classes and are going into our homestudy, I had been feeling a little disconnected. We did not start the home study right when I thought we would and I got depressed. I started thinking it was going to be like our first experience all over again.Than we decided that we were going to go ahead and register. If you are new to adoption let me just warn you that if you want to have a baby shower you will need to do it before you have been placed according to most agencies. They have their reasons why and they can explain them better than I can. So any way we went and registered at two different stores and I was excited for a little bit...until we realized that there was very little gender neutral items out there. Almost everything out there is color coded for bay or girl. Well we had no idea what we were going to have so how were we suppose to register for anything that would not be specific? This just sent me into another depressed night. Let me tell you being depressed during important times at school is not a good thing. So talked about it and decided that we were going to adopt a boy!
The next thing that we had to make a decision on was rather or not we where going to use disposable dippers or cloth. There was some interesting debate on both sides, but for me it was a no brainier! Cloth dippers can be more costly in the beginning but in the end they save you money. Not only that, and for me this is the sticking point, they are healthier for the baby. Did you know that there are chemicals in dippers like pampers or huggies? That's right! chemicals that have been linked to childhood cancer! No thank you, not for me. Even if it means a little more laundry and spraying poop off into the toilet.
Then there was the thought of feeding. holy crap! I thought I was going to pass out from sticker shock when I saw the price of formula. I had been thinking about inducing breastfeeding but I was back and forth on it. Well let me tell you...after I saw with the sticker prices, I decided that I wanted to go ahead and try to breastfeed. Not only will this help with attachment with our son but when I pump, Daddy can feed him and spend time with him too...and it is less cost. I am looking into a ebook I found. I will put it here for you to check out too.
I know I seem a little focused on the cost but to be honest it kind of scared me when I did the math. the other part of it at least for me is the fact that I want my baby to be as healthy as possible with out all the extra crap that other people put in their products. Along those same lines, yes I am going to make my own baby food.