Saturday, September 8, 2012

Breaking News

We had an interview with our local news paper last night. It was nerve racking. But it went well.

OK so here is how that happened. As I have stated previously, we are having an adoption fundraising Yard sale. Before a few months ago, when our friends had theirs, I had not even dreamed of having a fundraiser for our adoption. It still feels odd asking people for money. So I was driving down the street listening to Klove and thinking about how we where going to set up this yard sale. I has already been so blessed by some of my friends who had called me up and told me that they had things for me the day that I told them that I was having the yard sale and asked for donations.

So I was driving down the street and talking to God when He decided to talk back. Out of the blue I hear God's voice in my head telling me to contact the local paper and run an ad. I was like OK. So I told my mom about it and she said it was a great idea, and I should call them soon. Well... I forgot. I was so distracted by getting ready for school that I didn't think about it.  Until one day last week. God reminded me that I needed to call, so I did.  When I called I was connected to this nice lady. I explained our situation to her and told her what the yard sale was for.  Her next question was "Can I come out and interview you?"

So here I am just wanting to run some thing about our yard sale, maybe a quick explanation about what it was for, and she wanted to come to our house and interview us. Wow. She said that she wanted to know more about adoption and was sure that more people in the area would be interested in it too. So she came out last night and talked to us for quite some time and took a few pictures with us and the dogs.

Now I am nerves about what the article will be like, but again it was God's plain not mine, so I'll let him deal with it.

So moral of the story is this. When God whispers in your ear, there is a reason behind it and you should listen.

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